Not for watering down the drinks or the short hemlines of the barstaff outfits, Patrons Monday at Anderson's, a local establishment that most are quite familiar with, if only by the somewhat rough reputation, were shocked when two heavily armed unidentified men stormed into the establishment and abducted a currently unidentified man from the premises.
Before they departed, they opened fire dealing property damage and injuring two other patrons. The police have yet to release a statement on this assault and kidnapping, but other sources have identified the two locals who were injured by gunfire. One Kael Firehawk, and a minor local celebrity Deirdre McMinnar, Olympic Sailor two times running for Canada, who also owns the local Computer store, Laserbytes.
Neither have sustained life threatening injuries it seems, but are reported to have been shocked and a little shaken by the incident. The Police department still has not released any information concerning who was abducted, the motives or anything regarding the incident at all.
If more information becomes available this reporter promises that you faithful readers, will be the second to know about it.
By: Orville Huff, Freelance Correspondent