In many ways, Asphyxiation Point is a new experiment in Second Life Role-play. For those of you who have explored the SIM, you would have noticed how the build transitions seamlessly from run-down and seedy to upscale and outright classy. These Neighborhoods weren't accidental. They were by design. We wanted to give role-players a home irrespective of what kind of character they want to play. Truly exciting and immersive story-lines are born when you run into a character completely different from your own. Straddling the class divide was the means we latched onto to encourage this diversity.
Diversity however is not determined by the build alone. At the end of the day, diversity is about people. It is about how you play your character and what kind of character you play. Please be mindful of what neighborhood you are in when you are role-playing there and how the local population there would expect you to behave. Asking for a vintage drink in lower town will probably get you laughed at. Yelling and cussing in upper town will probably get your thrown out. Please be aware of the consequences before you engage in a certain type of role-play.
Diversity however is not determined by the build alone. At the end of the day, diversity is about people. It is about how you play your character and what kind of character you play. Please be mindful of what neighborhood you are in when you are role-playing there and how the local population there would expect you to behave. Asking for a vintage drink in lower town will probably get you laughed at. Yelling and cussing in upper town will probably get your thrown out. Please be aware of the consequences before you engage in a certain type of role-play.
Upper Town
Born specifically to cater to the the most prosperous of tourists, Upper Town is now home to the elite, the rich and the powerful. Most living in the palatial houses here have made their fortunes elsewhere. A few still continue to work in the scattered businesses over upper town and the theater district.
Offices, restaurants, quaint Cafe's, Day spas and upscale clubs adorn its streets. But what goes on behind that glossy facade? What truly occurs behind the curtains? What's the truth behind the Aristocrat club? Climb your way to the dizzying heights to find out, but remember...its a long way to the bottom. |
Lower Town
Every town has its rough edge. In Asphyxiation Point, it is lower town. Most here are good people and had circumstances been different, would have led a honest life. But poverty breeds crime and Asphyxiation Point is no different.
On a good day however, lower town is filled with life, love and laughter. People are more carefree for not having much means they have a lot less to lose too. The diner, the bar come alive with shouts of happiness when the hour is right. In some ways, this is the true heart of Asphyxiation Point. This is where people are themselves and the curtains just keep only the sun out. |
Theater District
At first glance, the Theater district appears stuck between upper town and lower town. It is as if someone tried renovating the place but then decided it wasn't worth the effort of completing the renovation. Well, that's not too far off the truth.
When the Newton Corporation started redeveloping the city, the theater, police department, fire department and hospital all got a facelift. But then the developers came up against a brick wall. The lower classes were simply not ready to relocate because let's face it. Its a small rock. They had nowhere to relocate to. |
Red Light District
If the lower town is the rough edge, the red light district is just plain rough. Crime here is nearly out in the open and whores moan into the night. Even the cops rarely venture this way. And yet people flock to it in droves.
Why? Because sex sells. And in Asphyxiation Point, sex sells very well. Sure the rich may snub their noses at it but under the cover of darkness, guess who comes visiting? Curiously enough, the RLD also hosts Asphyxiation Point's only motel. And thus it is that Asphyxiation Point's second most crime ridden district is also the most visited. |
Asphyxiation Point Underground
With even the RLD looking almost respectable, a casual tourist can be forgiven for thinking nothing bad ever happens at Asphyxiation Point. But the locals know differently. Asphyxiation Point's many underground areas have been a refuge to the homeless, the hopeless and the most desperate for decades.
It all started when large drains were constructed to deal with the storms and changing tides. Hidden docks, basements and warehouses were added by enterprising criminals. Even the original tourist district somehow managed to survive under upper town making the underground almost a city in itself. |