Rules - Overview
This is just a condensed view of the rules governing living and roleplaying at Asphyxiation Point. It is highly recommended that you go through the detailed versions that apply to you.
SIM Rules
Please refer to the SIM Rules page for the full version.
Roleplay Rules
Please refer to the Roleplay Rules page for the full version.
Combat Rules
Please refer to the Combat Rules page for the full version.
Please refer to the Rentals page for the full version.
Groups and Tags
Please refer to the Groups and Tags page for the full version.
SIM Rules
- All roleplayers, avatars and characters MUST be over 18 years of age.
- Only human avatars dressed in Urban clothing allowed on SIM. No meters / titlers.
- Extended AFK / OOC activity restricted to private rentals only.
- No advertisement or sale of goods and services involving Linden Dollars.
- Excessive use of scripted items will be considered griefing.
- No props, fires or other temporary prims without admin approval.
Please refer to the SIM Rules page for the full version.
Roleplay Rules
- Turn-based paragraph roleplay.
- Limits encouraged but enforced via negotiation in IMs.
- No godmodding, powergaming, metagaming and other breaches of roleplay etiquette.
- Please get permission from homeowner prior to entering private rentals.
- NPCs, cameras, wire taps, hacking etc. must be negotiated via RP or IMs with all affected parties.
- Disputes over ongoing roleplay should be negotiated via IMs. A moderator will mediate if you are unable to agree.
Please refer to the Roleplay Rules page for the full version.
Combat Rules
- Roleplay combat only.
- A maximum of two moves per post.
- At least two posts to establish intent before initiating / entering a combat scene.
- Semi-automatic weapons allowed but must be reloaded in a separate post.
- Automatic weapons, explosives, chemicals, body armor and military grade equipment only in admin approved scenes.
- Any property damage must be pre-approved.
Please refer to the Combat Rules page for the full version.
- No refunds, no reservations, no transfers, no sublets.
- A maximum of one residential & one business unit per player.
- Available business units must be applied for and approved.
- Prims may only be rezzed on your property. Prim limits enforced.
- No signs, flags or other elements that significantly alter the street facing view of your property.
- Vehicles may be rezzed within rental prim limits.
Please refer to the Rentals page for the full version.
Groups and Tags
- Please wear an "AP" group tag while on SIM. New groups (and tags) may not be created without admin approval.
- "Asphyxiation Point" chat may only be used to post roleplay events and report griefers in (( )).
- Membership to "AP OOC Group" is optional and NOT required to roleplay in AP.
- Please be respectful to other players / SIM administration in group chats.
- Do not post information directly relating to RP storylines in OOC.
- Only the "Asphyxiation Point" group is actively monitored / moderated by the administration staff.
Please refer to the Groups and Tags page for the full version.
I think I get it ! How do I get started ?
Please get your tourist tag from the in-world group inviter.
Your citizen tag will be enabled by one of the admins.