According to Dr. Jameson, the confrontation erupted in the early evening of the 22nd between DeSanta and Mrs. Biafra while the former was having coffee at the diner with one of AP's police force, Captain Kayleigh Green. Still experiencing a great deal of physical pain from the ordeal, DeSanta recalled in a recent interview: "She saw me sittin' in a public place wi' a woman...a formah colleague, an' assumed ah were cheatin' on mah girlfriend. She were takin' photos an' sendin' 'em on her cell. Ah asked that she a touch more colahful language than that an' things escalated fr'm there. Ah should point out the whole time ah were sittin' in the chair in the booth an' made no aggressive actions towards her."
"I think she has a vendetta against him," Captain Green speculated on why Mrs. Biafra may have attacked. "She came at him with a nasty attitude from the start, she obviously has a problem with him, but I don't know her well enough to know why."
Dr. Jameson's account corroborates this. "Things became intense very quickly," stated the diner's owner. "It started with what I believe to be a misunderstanding on Mrs. Biafra's part regarding the nature of Mr. DeSanta's and Captain Green's sharing a booth. Accusations flew back and forth, and then Mrs. Biafra pulled a gun on Mr. DeSanta. He'd said something about her husband, from what I remember. She just unloaded her gun on him after that."
As previously reported, Mrs. Biafra shot six times at DeSanta. Captain Green, seated across the booth from DeSanta had a front row view of the incident. "I watched DeSanta falling to the ground, I heard him say something so I knew he wasn't killed outright. I seen Poe move away, and I didn't want her to escape or reload her gun or get another weapon, so I had to attempt to restrain her, but she attacked me. She was eventually taken into custody when back up arrived and DeSanta was taken to the hospital."
These actions have led to Mrs. Biafra being charged with attempted second degree murder, although this incident seems simultaneously surprising and not surprising to those involved. "I know Poe is crazy [sic], but I thought she would put the gun away as she had a cop telling her to but then again she has a history of shooting people; she shot her husband before," said Captain Green. Despite previous incidents involving Mrs. Biafra, it's clear that neither DeSanta nor Captain Green actually felt threatened at any time. "If ah had, ah wouldn't ah got shot. Ah di'n't think she'd act'lly do it," DeSanta admitted. "What were prudy dumb ah me in all honesty, aint 'xactly the first time she's done somethin' lahk that. Ah mean she were banned fr'm guns f'r reason, yahnno?"
DeSanta and Mrs. Biafra have had a long history together, much of which has been overwhelmingly positive. "Ah've known Poe long time now. Tah point where she's practically family, least that was what ah considered her as. Ah'm godfathah tah onah her kids, Ah delivered her twins, Ah covered f'r her an given more secon' chances than what is numerically possible," DeSanta recounted. Their history, however, only strengthens his resolve to continue with pressing charges against her. "Ah don' got a low opinion ah Poe, not in the slightest. Ah'm not gonna drop the charges, cause ah believe that takin' this tah trial will ensure that the authorities have tah ensure she is treated appropriately in ordah tah keep ev'ryone safe."
The mental state of the accused may play an important part in the upcoming trial. Dr. Jameson, who has PhD in Clinical Psychology, also operates a private practice in Asphyxiation Point and is exceptionally qualified to provide an opinion on Mrs. Biafra. When asked about the mental state of the shooter, she had this to say: "Mrs. Biafra is a complicated woman with a unique perception of reality. In her mind, what caused her to attack Mr. DeSanta was very intense and very real, regardless of how anyone else might have viewed it. I don't think she has any particularly malicious intent to hurt people, but once she has her mind set on something, she gets a laser-like focus on it. It's my professional opinion that she simply needs help distinguishing fact from fiction and controlling her impetuous choices through extensive therapy and possibly with the aid of medication. Perhaps, also, she shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm until she's been properly treated."
As for what will happen to Poe Biafra, it's anyone's guess. Captain Green is firm in her opinion on the matter. "She is delusional, she likes to create stories about people to justify her actions and she is a sick individual who has shown no remorse for what she done and continued to attack and threaten me since that night. She needs to be locked away for a long time." However, the concern for her is clear, even from the victim. "Ah hope she finally gets the help she needs in ordah tah keep herself an' othahs safe," DeSanta said honestly.
At this time, no date has been set for Mrs. Biafra's trial, but we will keep you posted on this continuing story.