The Emergency team rushed to the core to find stone and steel bent under the demands of a bomb, as the Asphyxiation Point Savings and Loans had been broken into during the midst of wide spread looting. An undisclosed amount was taken, there are currently no suspects and is still under investigation. No other current information is available at the this time.
As the hurricane rocked Asphyxiation Point, it was a cold evening when a sound rippled through the lands. An explosion cut through the pummel of storms, shaking even the safe havens that housed the majority of the citizens and tourist. Even the church bell rang with the vibrations.
The Emergency team rushed to the core to find stone and steel bent under the demands of a bomb, as the Asphyxiation Point Savings and Loans had been broken into during the midst of wide spread looting. An undisclosed amount was taken, there are currently no suspects and is still under investigation. No other current information is available at the this time. After giving countless, exhaustive hours to support Hurricane Atticus rescue and relief efforts, our local heroes still have only others on their minds.
Officer Rumor Ghost says she would like to personally thank everyone who volunteered their time and efforts in making sure Asphyxiation Point survived this terrible event. "The Emergency Services were stretched thin and pulling extra long shifts but, with the wonderful help we received from the volunteers, we rode out the storm in high spirits," she says. "It was with great pride to see everyone out after the storm had broken and the flood waters receded, helping clean up the mess left in the wake of Hurricane Atticus. "It was a huge effort and the town looks almost brand new again. I honestly cannot thank everyone enough and hopefully the tourists will be returning now that the ferry service is back up and running." Police Captain Jay Biafra shares a similar sentiment about the way the island residents have pulled together in the face of adversity. "I am really touched by all the team work and solidarity that our community has pulled through to quickly turn the island back on it's legs. A special thanks to all those who braved the storm, risked their lives and rescued those in times of need. I know this solidarity and sense of togetherness will persist on the fair island of Asphyxiation Point," he says. While residents have made tremendous progress, more needs to be done, particularly cleanup of interior spaces, Captain Biafra cautions. "Citizens should be diligent in cleaning their spaces thoroughly after a natural disaster of this magnitude because you can develop a myriad of issues in your environments, such as toxic molds, cracked foundations, damaged roofs and ceilings. all of which can cause issues down the line," Captain Biafra says. Officer Ghost adds, "Thank you once again. I know Im repeating myself here but really, it was an amazing effort in seeing everyone working together." Rebuilding Together; Residents Face Life Post Storm Like so much litter strewn about the island, residents are sweeping up the shattered remnants of their lives. After the storm, the rebuilding begins. Such it is for Maeve, busy trying to resurrect her Climax and find a hooker. The popular dance club, recently featured in the Times, suffered substantial main-level damage. Even worse, Maeve lost her liquor stockpile and a cherished friend. The charmingly accented woman says, "It ruined everyting except th' loft and one or two cans of Guinness. Th' wave movement smashed all of th' bottles an' popped open th' kegs. Th' safe seems t' be alright, tho, so Th' cash was arright, if a little water-logged. But th' loss I'm feelin' most keenly is a friend I ha'en't heard from since a few days b'fore the winds hit." The missing woman, according to Maeve, is a Red Room employee named Lucy. If you have information about Lucy, or if you are Lucy, you're urged to contact Maeve. And there's Angeliqa, who's been scrubbing soaked toys at Pandora's Box, eager to bring them back to sellable life and stimulate the local economy.
Says Angeliqa of the restoration efforts, "Well we got a clearance sale on our items that managed to survive the storm but just got a bit water damaged. And we got 5 percent off one our new items that are just starting to arrive. So far we got mostly movies and magazines but we are expecting new toys before Friday and naughty outfits before Sunday." For some local families, it's a matter of finding a way to return to normalcy. Like island resident Joe-Bob, who rode out the storm with his pregnant lady friend, Becky. "Damn Straight we hid out! Me an the ol' lady stayed right in our hotel room to watch the whole thing. Shut up Becky! She's talking to me! Only once in your life you get a storm like that. When all those cowards ran off I knew. Becky she doesn't want to hear about you being pregnant. I knew that God almighty was gonna keep us safe," Joe-Bob says. Andersons is throwing a "We fought the Hurricane" themed party at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 7. Stop by for barbecue and beer, DJ Dean and prizes for best hurricane-themed dress.
The Asphyxiation Point Times is back in business after a hurricane devastated the island. As of Monday evening, all power and communications services have been restored, although officials say to expect intermittent outages for the next few days. Residents jumped into action when news broke on Friday of the pending storm, to board up businesses and homes, and stock the temporary court house shelter in preparation for the hurricane, which reached land on Saturday. Poe Biafra, with her pet Sausage in tow, described the storm as awful. "Just the way the rain was blowing at you, it was worse then when a man comes in your face without a warning. Couldn't see shit, and my little Sausage, he was scared with all the sounds of trees falling and he got a cold, just sneezing snot all over. This was truly worse than the last one," she says. By Sunday evening, flood waters had receded, leaving homes and businesses across the lower parts of the island in shambles. Emergency crews, hospital staff and other volunteers worked non-stop to keep up with emergency calls and rescues throughout the weekend. It is unclear whether Asphyxiation Point would have gotten through the hurricane without many unnamed volunteers who stepped up to the challenge of dealing with the storm. As a way to recognize the tireless efforts of hurricane relief volunteers and the immense cleanup efforts still needed, the Times is offering two special deals. Free classified ad space is available for anyone who wants to give a personal thank you to a hero and for anyone advertising cleanup services, either needed or offered. Send the information to Amata Karas before 5 p.m. Friday to be included.
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Easter weekend was filled with thrills here in Asphyxiation Point, with the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Literally thousands....yes two thousand to be exact, colorful prize filled eggs were placed around the city for the citizens to find. A few eggs were duds, but the grand thing about them was a city wide prize for the most duds found! All in all, there was well over fifteen hundred gifts given out!
We had a fury of tourist in the city for the festivities, which worked around the formal evening at the Aristocrat club Saturday. The evening was filled with beautiful people wrapped up in the refined environment of the Club. The event had a dazzling array of foods and drinks, provided an educational welcome for what the club is all about. Giving those of clearly distinguished taste the possibility of joining. |
Asphyxiation Point TimesGet the latest scoop on day to day happenings at the scenic town of Asphyxiation Point. Archives
April 2018