In an effort to conserve tax dollars, the new system will no longer be run by a local District Attorney, but rather by a Court Administrator. Not only will this mean a pay cut for the new Administrator, but a reduction in man power as well. The new system will do away with the Assistant District Attorney position all together, leaving only attorneys, court reporter, clerks and bailiffs employed. The only staff not reduced is the security staff.
Other changes, according to the report released earlier today, were that attorneys working directly for the state would perform double duty, serving as either defense or prosecution depending on staffing needs. There will also no longer be a local sitting judge, instead a circuit court judge would make rounds holding court once a week.
It is expected that this new tightening of the financial belt should save the state some $42 million a quarter. Experts say it doesn't appear to be a short term fix, but rather a viable solution to the greater economic woes plaguing the state.
Currently the Asphyxiation Point Courthouse employs a staff of seven, plus three local private attorneys who work closely with the courthouse. Those affected by the change would be Bethann Caustin, a third year law clerk, Selenity Rose, an attorney for the State, Malcolm Turner, local Judge, Written Lyrical Unique Poem and Minnie Farspire, both secretaries and Eva Perry, former DA, now Court Administrator.
"I'm not at all surprised that the cuts were made in our township, it was just a matter of time. They waited for old Judge Carlisle to retire, he was the hold out and the last of the significant powers that kept the island as an independent district where we dealt with our own. Now we're just like any other small town gobbled up by the overly ambitious politicians looking to make a name for themselves." said Court Administrator Eva Perry of the recent changes.
reported by Pen Dragon