A couple of days prior to what would have otherwise been a lovely weekend, the NOAA reported that a rare combination of the summer solstice and lunar perigee would lead to abnormally high tides Saturday evening and their predictions were right.
The damage was certainly not as bad as the hurricane which had hit Asphxyiation Point but a couple of months ago. The water did not even reach the lowest of streets. But what it did do was flood the lower levels of the Police Precinct.
The Police Department was quick to evacuate. Luckily the prison was unoccupied at the time. For the time being, the AP District Court is being used as a temporary base. But there is no word about holding facilities yet.
The safety inspection today morning revealed that the building is unsafe... yes unsafe... Until necessary renovations can be completed. The PD took a more serious hit from the flooding during the hurricane than was originally anticipated.
The APPD had the following statement to make :
As you already know, the PD has moved their Operational base to the AP Courthouse while renovation work is in progress. We expect to be back on Wednesday.
Police services will be impaired during this period and residents are asked to only contact us only in case of emergencies and have patience in relation to ongoing inquiries. Patrols will continue as usual and 911 Emergency Services are unaffected by the disruption. Alternative arrangements for the detention of prisoners are being.
We at the AP times will continue monitoring the situation and bringing you the latest news. Renovation work seems to be well underway and back to business as usual on Wednesday may not be a pipe dream after all.
Reported by Anonymous