Since Chief DeSanta found it appropriate to hang the dirty laundry of his own Police Department, I will assume he will not mind that I return the same courtesy.
When the incident involving Aubrey Breister occurred at the police station, it turned into quite a complicated situation. The Chief did everything in his power to prevent another million dollar claim against the PD should this situation get beyond the DA and into IA territority. Not to mention this would hurt Chief DeSanta’s reputation. We all remember the incident between the Chief and Promise Del La Rosa. Something about police brutality was it? Oops! Poor Ms. Del La Rosa was found dead after the hurricane. It was no secret Chief DeSanta hated Ms. Del La Rosa with a passion, but when I gave him the news that the identified body was that of Ms. Del La Rosa, he broke out in a smile and said, "Today is a good day." So on the list of suspects for the possible homicide, I, as the lead on the case, did not add the Chief’s name on it. Call it loyalty.
When I was confronted with the CCTV material involving the Breister incident, I told DeSanta the truth about the contents of the surveillance tape. His reply was that of what a loyal Chief would say. He told me I had made a mistake - I had forgotten to clean the blood off the wall. I had to make sure not to leave any evidence if something like that would occur again and the tape had been destroyed.
However, not too long after the seemingly protective employer had assured complete destruction of proof from that incident, the threats came. If I did not do the Chief's bidding in any way, if he would so much hear a grunt from me after an order, that 'destroyed' tape would magically find it's way in the DA's inbox. He had used it against me the first chance he could. There was no longer a question of loyalty. I was now forced to back down and no longer seek out Ms. Breister while on duty. Truthfully, I no longer had desire on or off duty.
As you all know by now, Lieutenant Jon Stone was shot in the head not too long ago. Aubrey Breister, a woman named Zoe and I were at the scene when it happened. The Lieutenant was put in a coma and consequently forced to retire from the police force.
Statements were taken from both Zoe and Ms. Breister. Did Chief DeSanta reach out to me, Jane Stone? Not once. Not once has he reached out to me either as the Lieutenant’s wife, one of his trusted ranked officers, or even as a friend. Why would he not call upon his senior officer to ask what had happened? Why would the Chief put more weight in the testimonies from the woman who shot his lieutenant and Ms. Breister whom he once dated and had been estranged from ever since? It would almost seem as if the Chief put more trust in criminals and citizens than those who work right alongside him.
Let’s go back to the surveillance tape leak.
There were only six people who knew about the incident:
The DA, the Chief, the Lieutenant, the Sergeant, one Officer, Ms. Breister.
The DA has been on leave for the past two weeks.
The Lieutenant has left town.
Ms. Breister is dead.
The officer wouldn’t talk.
This only leaves the Chief.
At this very moment, I am on a personal leave away from this island that I once called home.
But it was through a newspaper I learn that my former employer has decided to make true to his threat of showing video footage that would attempt to ruin the reputation of one of his senior officers who has already resigned. For what purpose? Ms. Breister is dead, I am in mourning. Does he enjoy to kick people when they are down? Apparently so. His morals are pristine, are they not?
And were it not the Chief who leaked the tape, I ask you all to consider the security threat you now all face as these forms of information are kept very safe in his personal office.
He had the chance to destroy the tape and the backups. He did not.
Now he will find something else destroyed.
The chief will have found, or will find, his final fuck you.
Jane Stone.