At this time, we are looking for models and/or photographers. Preferably, the images should be on the racy side (not full-on mature, but definitively riské) with a good male to female ratio.
With the opening of Aperture Studio, the owners are happy to offer the shop as the main shooting site, (especially for any green screen needs) but feel free to use any other location on sim. (Note: Since it is an AP activity, let's try and keep things local)
The themes are as follows:
January: New Year
February: Valentine's Day
March: Spring
April: Easter
May: Mother's Day
June: Father's Day
July: Independence Day
August: Summer/Beach
September: Labor Day/Autumn
October: Halloween
November: Thanksgiving
December: Christmas
Please contact Phedre Dumouriez or Larlotte Blackwater if you are interested in being a part of this wonderful collaboration, and indicate your preference for theme and role (e.g. model or photographer).