Residents jumped into action when news broke on Friday of the pending storm, to board up businesses and homes, and stock the temporary court house shelter in preparation for the hurricane, which reached land on Saturday.
"Just the way the rain was blowing at you, it was worse then when a man comes in your face without a warning. Couldn't see shit, and my little Sausage, he was scared with all the sounds of trees falling and he got a cold, just sneezing snot all over. This was truly worse than the last one," she says.
By Sunday evening, flood waters had receded, leaving homes and businesses across the lower parts of the island in shambles.
Emergency crews, hospital staff and other volunteers worked non-stop to keep up with emergency calls and rescues throughout the weekend. It is unclear whether Asphyxiation Point would have gotten through the hurricane without many unnamed volunteers who stepped up to the challenge of dealing with the storm.