Of course, it’s impossible to discover all the intricacies of a person’s life in just a few short days- but I found enough to think perhaps this woman’s actions were that of one of desperation. Her story holds all the makings of a soap opera: romance, intrigue, and scandal. So what WOULD cause a woman- who by all accounts, had never shown any history of depression or desire to self harm- to take her own life?
It would appear that before Miss Breister’s death, she was tangled in a rather wicked battle with one of the senior officers of the APPD- a certain Sergeant Jane Stone- over, what else, a man? This reporter’s sources confirm Miss Breister was engaged in an affair with a Lieutenant Stone, who is none other than Sergeant Stone’s husband. Why is this relevant, you ask? Perhaps because a few weeks before Miss Breister chose to take her own life in the AP Hospital, she was arrested by that very same Sergeant Stone. It would appear that during the course of the arrest, Miss Breister filed a complaint saying that she was unfairly harassed in the cells of the APPD. Was this an abuse of power on Sergeant Stone’s part?
Unfortunately, it’s hard to say. As I’m sure most of you know, Asphyxiation Point was recently devastated by a hurricane. Any proof that may or may not have existed of these wrongdoings were all but demolished, and it seems that without any evidence, nothing could be done. Everything was all but forgotten… that is, until Miss Breister took her own life. The beautiful thing about technology, readers, is the fact that it can rarely ever be truly erased. If one were able to get a copy of the tapes that had been thrown away, assumed to be completely water damaged and beyond repair, they may just be able to salvage enough data to see what very well may be considered a violent act.
They may also, upon watching the video, see the unmistakable sight of a woman this reporter was able to identify as Sergeant Stone through her unnamed source along with another unidentified man rather viciously slamming Miss Breister into the wall. Now of course, the damaged tapes have no sound. It’s impossible to tell exactly what was happening down in those cells that day. What I can tell you definitively is this: Miss Breister did not appear to be putting up a fight. So why would this Sergeant Stone feel the need to use unnecessary force? It does make one wonder what else was happening outside the view of spying cameras.
For those interested in paying their respect to Miss Breister, her funeral will be held on Sunday, May 24th, 2015 at the Church.
Reported by Chloe Walcott