Cole Valentini, 28, a long time Asphyxiation Point resident was killed Saturday at a charity sponsored event. The mood was set for wild, knock-down-drag-out violence, but nobody could have expected what really happened in downtown AP that night. There was drinking and gambling, socialites and low-lifes alike were enjoying the organized mayhem. 'Thunderdome' was an event like no other here in Asphyxiation Point, created and produced by Newton Construction Company, and its owner, Mr. Valentini. The proceeds from the town event benefited a charity for abused and homeless women, Misericordia Angelorum. (Angels of Mercy). At an honorable but ultimately violent event, one expects a little blood and gore, but no one expected a strong young man to lose his life.
The matches were brutal, but were what the cheering crowd wanted, until the third, when things turned tragic. The first featured two attractive ladies, the second two strong strapping men. The last match seemed the same as the others, two muscular combatants ready to face off. Cole Valentini was set to do battle with ex marine, Kro Alptraum. They steadied themselves, there was a battle cry and the two locked up. According to witnesses, Alptraum ignored the charitable nature of the event and attacked Valentini with the intent to do serious harm, causing massive head and neck injuries. Valentini was pronounced dead in the middle of the blood stained ring, despite the valiant attempts of Dr. Carson Capelo to revive the young man. His newlywed bride, of only one day, participated in the first match, and was close by when her new husband was fatally injured. It broke this reporter's heart to learn the man's last words to his beautiful young wife were, "I love you". I had to compose myself before continuing to report on this story. Alptraum was taken into custody by police officers at the scene and is awaiting charges.
I spoke to Valentini's young widow, Song, two days following the tragic event. Their love story sounded tough and gritty, having its beginnings in a bar in Dead End City, but was as pure and fragile as any other great love. The couple married here in Asphyxiation Point, at the courthouse, the day before the dashing young groom lost his life, having planned to leave on their honeymoon the following day. Valentini surprised his lovely bride by popping the question seemingly out of thin air. Song said ,"Cole and I had only been married one day. It's almost like he'd had some premonition. It was a spur of the moment thing." "We went to the courthouse the next day. He was going to get me a proper wedding ring...eventually....not that I cared about a piece of jewelry. I just knew he was the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Little did I realize." Services for Mr. Cole Valentini will be held at the Asphyxiation Point Non-Denominational Church on Thursday of this week.
In a possibly related story, the structure, the 'Thunderdome' itself was destroyed the night of Valentini's death. Guests of the Dew Drop Inn were awakened at nearly 1am by the sounds of an earth mover vehicle taken from the lot of Newton Construction...used to destroy the makeshift arena, and then returned to the same lot. The suspect was seen to be wearing all black clothing and has yet to be further identified by authorities.
Reported by S.D. Miller