Dean: "One of the heralds of spring in this area is the return of the Peregrine falco to the national parks, nearby cliff faces are where the falcons make their nests and head to this section of the national park to hunt small birds for food. The Game wardens say that like the Atlantic Puffin who also returns around this time they take shelter in the craggy cliffs along the shore and despite occupying the same space both of the birds tend to ignore one another when it comes to competition."
*Another sighting as some take pictures and a couple of kids instead seem to be distracted by the large mammal that comes wading out into the pond only twenty or so yards away from the underbrush*
Kids: "Oooh Look Moose! Moosey moosey Moosey!"
*On hearing them Dean gulps and turns slowly...Spotting the rather large moose the antlers budding still and stubby but still rather prevalent indicating to those who know that he's a old bull, and seems to be giving the eye to Dean as he stands there.*
Dean: "Cut...We...Yes we should get out of here now..." *Dean skitters back away from the pond...the camera backing away with him as the kids keep catcalling the large moose. Not watching where he's going Dean trips over a Marker sign for one of the trees there and falls with a "WAOMPH" into the underbrush.*
Dean: "OW...Crap..No...No...Don't you...AUGH!" As the camera moves in then suddenly retreats with a bit of the Cameraman gagging. The Familiar form of a Black and White mammal goes darting away from the underbrush Dean is still laying in*
Kid #2: "KITTY!" *The kid then makes a ICK noise and several others i the area start gagging from the scent*
Kid #1: "EWWWW Stinky Kitty!" *meanwhile the aforementioned moose, the target of it's disquiet gone from sight can be seen on the edge of the camera lazily munching on some fresh leaves sprouting from the bushes*
*The Camera cuts back to the news room with Ariana Bening and Raymond Wages looking aghast at what had to be their monitor...Raymond collects himself first and shakes his head*
Raymond: "Looks like we'll need some extra tomato soup for the break room today. That was Dean Knopinski reporting from Acolade Park as part of the Spring Is blossoming coverage."
Ariana: "And since it's spring again, it's once more time to sign up for the Sailing classes at the waterfront. Available in two, five and ten week courses to learn water safety, and how to handle sailboating on the ocean. If you are a first timer, old hand who needs a refresher or just want to spend time out on the ocean without a motor head on down to the local Coast guard office and Sign up. Want to teach a class? Volunteer applications are available at the same location. Access our website to learn more and how to find your local guard office for details."
Raymond: "And now with a look at the weather, here's Wilbert Woods with what we expect to see today, and what the days ahead will bring. Wil?"
Wilbert: "Thanks Ray, Well for those of you hopeful the rain would be on it's way out, I hate to say it's sticking around and only going to get more intense. Live Cobra radar shows a Cold pressure system working it's way up the coast trailing some intense storms as it runs in with this Warm pressure system we've gotten from the North over the past week or so. "
*He turns to show the weather map with the two intersecting lines and the large green and Yellow blob of storms trailing along behind the system as it indicates rainstorms and clouds all along the coastline*
Wilbert: "Today the rain will remain intermittent and light, but might cause some chills with the higher winds that will be blowing in from the coast. Highs in the mid Fifties getting up to Sixty one at noon today. These clouds deepen over night and thicken as the rain intensifies. The good news is the cloud cover helps keep in the warmth, the bad news is everything is looking to get drenched later on as this cloud system moves on in. Thursday the rain lingers though the wind will be light with heavy gusts here and there, so be aware in the coastal areas it can get pretty strong...Highs in the mid Sixties maybe as high as seventy in the afternoon. Chilling back down at night as the winds pick up going into Friday when the main brunt of this weather front starts to slip into the area. High winds and heavy rains expected all through the bay area with a mild chance of Flooding in some low area. This rain will continue on into Saturday and Sunday with Thunderstorms and high winds as the main part of this storm front teases along the coastline.
*The map moves to indicate the way the heavy weather slides on in along the coast and along the bay area*
Wilbert: "Come Monday most of the Front will have moved on with lingering thunder here and there scattered about a few pop up showers with just a kiss of sunshine here and there as it heads on out to sea. Highs back in the mid Fifties to Low Sixties as the cold front pushes in for a last kiss of March weather."
Raymond: "Any chance this storm could develop into a hurricane or get more intense? I'm certain many remember what happened last year."
Wilbert: "At this point we don't think so, but if the winds begin to swirl it could develop into a heavy storm or minor Hurricane. We are watching it closely to make sure that if that does happen we can get the alert out on the Bay area Weather App. Though at this point if it hasn't already formed the chances of it forming into a full hurricane are slim. Though I make no promises for other storms building out in the Atlantic right now."
Ariana: "Thank you Wil. Phew...lets hope we can avoid a last minute Hurricane this time around. I know last time I barely got my windows locked before it hit and most of my neighbors lost their patio furniture and one had their car washed away. "
Raymond: "Indeed. Speaking of Hurricanes though. After the Break we will have Jeannie Webb Reporting on the last games of the Duck Island Hurricanes as they look to take home the Trophy in the inter-mural Junior Hockey Championships. Also, What is the big deal with people being upset concerning the addition to the docks for Cruise ships to make port and why even the Tourist industry has some who are against the additional passengers stopping over."
Ariana: "But First...Snowbirds, those who live in the bay Area part time say they are being asked to pay full property taxes for the summer months they live here before heading south to warmer climates in the Winter, but are now claiming that when they come back they aren't receiving full benefits or being treated the same as Full time Residents. Even i such things as Garbage pickup, utilities and The new high speed Internet Wifi newly voted into place by many of the outer and main island Communities. Kaylynn Garcia has that story, when we return."
*Cut to Commercials*