Moon Powder: Ms. Azariah, did you expect the results today?"
Zoε Azariah: "That she'd evaluate me to be unfit for trial? The thought had crossed my mind... but 'hope for the best and plan for the worst' is the motto I live by."
Moon: “Could you tell me in your own words, what got you into that courtroom? I mean, did you really do what they said?"
Zoe: "People will accuse you of all kinds of things to make their lives convenient, Moon. Whether there's any truth in that... only the trial can tell for sure. What you need to know though, is that the cops are under a lot of public scrutiny for not being able to catch the people responsible for the serious of killings that have plagued the island. I seem to be rather convenient for the candidate of a murderess, being as solitary and... attractive, like you say."
Moon: "Nicely -- and delicately -- answered, Ms A -- so what you're saying is, you have been falsely accused of every charge, and the reason for that, as you see it, is that you're a beautiful woman, alone in a town of lawmakers and enforcement officers who can't seem to get their jobs done. How do you explain all the prosecution's so-called ... evidence?"
Zoe: "What I'm saying is that I've been misunderstood and falsely portrayed. I'm all for justice, given one is convicted of a crime beyond doubt. And the reason for that, is that cops do not practice the law. They practice what they feel is right, and their morality does not necessarily coincide with what should be ideal, in a lawful society. For example. Chief DeSanta is frequently swayed by emotion, over his sense of justice. He tried to strangle me to death once, while I was unarmed."
Moon: "A police chief trying to strangle a citizen? I'll report your side of the story, Ms Azariah, without tossing in my opinion, but -- somehow, I think you might be telling the truth."
Zoe: “Good night, Moon.”Moon: “
Good night, Ms. A -- and thanks for the interview!”