Captain Ming Yheng hasn't always had the cleanest past and its no secret she really didn't work for the force before being hired as co-captain for the department. Its also no big surprise that some of her supposed family even have a record or work for the seedier businesses in town. Just the other night, I was informed from an anonymous source that Captain Yheng is sharing a bed with none other than Asmus Zero, a supposed member of the gang "Immortals". This recent bit of information serves to help confirm that her loyalties lie with the criminals of the island rather than its good citizens.
One Captain involved with criminals is enough to raise question, but it seems that even Captain Luke Morningstar is involved with a member of the Immortals. It is said that a few weeks ago Captain Morningstar was seen outside the doors of the Aristocrat with Kayla Calhern, a psychiatrist at the hospital and a suspected gang member.
It seems the interaction trickles even further down the ranks with hints that one of the Sergeants is dating Dr Gael Zero, confirmed family member of some of the Immortals. This, along with the previous accusations, are all hearsay at this point in time and need to be looked into further for validation.
Reported by Kara Dumitru