The following is a letter sent from one of the Asphyxiation Point Times largest customer and contributors. It doesn't reflect the feelings and view of the Asphyxiation Point Times or staff.
Asphyxiation Bank Statement
"The Administration of Asphyxiation Point bank is concerned about quality of newest article by Asphyxiation Point Times, as it is spreads panic amongst Asphyxiation Point Citizens that may result in a chaos coming over entire Island. Also we don't agree with forcing political beliefs of the author in the article mentioned. We believe that the newspaper should be as objective and apolitical as it can be, as it is the tool providing information for many citizens of the Island. If such incidents will continue bank will be force to cut the support of the newspaper and resign from the ads in a protest to return free speech to the Asphyxiation Point Times"
Signed by:
- Chief Executive Office Erin Karenae
- Manager Jack O'Neil
- Teller Logan Coburn
- Collector Sean Fowler