I have recently been offered the possibility of employment which may or may not reflect negatively upon my character. The opportunity is quite out of range of my usual skill set, but my current monetary troubles require that I find gainful employment soon, else there may be dire consequences. This new position would cause me to severely question my morals, not to mention, force me to bare assets that I have previously kept under wraps.
In more plain terms... should I whore my body out for cash?
Sincerely yours,
Shy Guy
Dear Shy Guy,
it all depends on how much cash! Everybody has got their own price and you are just lucky because you found somebody willing to pay it. With the current economic crisis one can't be too fussy about the kind of job they find, not to mention you have the amazing opportunity to enrich your skill set and learn new abilities. You have my blessings but I am quite curious about your bare ass... ets, and I would appreciate it if you'd write to me personally in order to give me the address of this place, so I could check first hand, metaphorically speaking.
Yours Truly,