Dear Loyal Readers,
Lawsuits are a normal part of being an independent news agency. One could say that they 'come with the territory' - especially when it comes to accurate reporting of information that some would prefer never see get printed.
We here at the AP Times strive to bring you news that is unadulterated, factual and unbiased, but we have recently been dragged into one such situation where not only our own reputation is at stake, but so is the livelihood of our Editor, Ms. Phedre Dumouriez.
The allegations that Ms. Dumouriez improperly used a photo in a recent calendar project between The Times and Aperture Studio have been grossly over-exaggerated, and we believe that the plaintiff, local DA Eva Perry, does not have sufficient proof to carry this suit to term.
One may even have to wonder as to why the DA would be having professional photos of such a nature taken in the first place.
However, though we have our doubts about the DA herself, we do have complete faith in the rest of our legal system and have offered our full support towards Ms. Dumouriez, including access to the very best of our legal resources. She has even been offered leave with pay in order to fully focus on the effort of clearing these allegations.
We ask that our loyal readers please grant her some clemency during her time of need, and direct any questions you may have about the case to The Times Office Manager, Larlotte Blackwater.
We look forward to seeing a successful result to this matter and to welcoming back our Editor with a clean slate.
Mr. Richard A. Lucre
Asphyxiation Point Times President on behalf of the entire Board of Directors
((Phedre will continue to be OOC lead during this time, but do not hesitate to come out and RP with Larlotte while Phe is 'indisposed'!))