Two APPD officers in the last week have tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease known as Chlamydia. We are not able to release the name of these individuals because of HIPPA. There fore we stress to any member of the community who has has sexual relations with anyone with a badge from APPD to please report to APH for testing. Both officers have admitted to having relations with several partners in the last few months. They will not release names with has lead to the release of this public health warning to the public.
Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics. You should begin taking them if tests show you have chlamydia or if you have been exposed to them, even though you may not have symptoms. Your sex partners will also have to be treated regardless of whether they have symptoms. Make sure your partner also seeks treatment. You should get retested after three months to make sure the infection has cleared, even if your partner has been treated.
On behalf of the Asphyxiation Point Hospital