In the most bizarre events of theft over the weekend, a citizen who has claimed to be in The Point on business was in the Shop and Scrub doing his laundry when the shop clerk stepped out and an armed woman entered the store. After following the man into the laundry mat, she pulled a gun and demanded his wallet. However since the man had been robbed already once this weekend on the ferry coming into AP, he had no money, wallet or assets to give the woman. Since the woman was armed, we suppose the man should be grateful the influx of thieves are at least flexible in their demands.
She demanded at gunpoint the man disrobe and manually service himself into a vessel she conveniently had in her purse. At some point during the exchange of the “product”, she told the man she planned on selling his “stuff” for a profit and that ironically she worked as a stripper at the new nightclub, Climax. The suspect was described as 5'6", white female, dark hair pulled back tightly into a bun, wearing large sunglasses and a black dress.
At this point there are no connections to this bizarre up rise in theft but as the number of tourists increases daily, citizens are warned to be vigilant and aware of criminal activity.
Reported by Jaden Montgomery