The confrontation escalated further when De La Rose blocked the door with her body, and several witnesses gathered at the scene. One of them being a close relative of this reporter. The witness reported a man with a gun drawn arguing with someone behind a closed door. This man was later identified as Det.Montgomery Willard. After several tense moments, he fired at the door, taking no precaution for the safety of Miss De La Rosa, let alone the many bystanders.
The commotion subsided for a short time when a man on a motorcycle arrived and appeared to have a short consultation with Willard. After speaking with Det. Willard, he then sped off on his bike. And this man was identified as none other than suspended Police Chief Warrick Desanta.
Miss De La Rosa continued to deny the Detective entry to her home, as he had not properly identified himself yet by providing a badge or police ID. After all, who could blame her with a local rapist on the loose, and various other criminal elements being attracted to our town as of late.
After communicating through the door for a short time, De La Rosa suddenly emerged from the building in a panic only to be violently tackled by another officer who had just arrived on the scene, Off. Eli Vincente. He was joined by Det. Willard and the two large men piled on top of the frightened woman. A gun she carried for protection was discharged in the process. De La Rosa was shot and taken to the hospital, where she is in stable but good condition. Det. Warrick also suffered a minor injury during the scuffle.
Upon interviewing Officer Vincente the next day, he had this to say, "I apologize, but I am not authorized to speak to the press regarding ongoing investigations. A misplaced word can have a negative impact on the investigation." I was also informed that the suspended Police Chief was 'out on vacation'.
The police seem to be secretive and defensive regarding this matter, and it goes deeper than 'no comment on an ongoing investigation'. This reporter was threatened with a taser by a female officer for merely speaking to Officer Vincente outside the station today.
There is more to this story...and when we dig it up, you'll read it in the APTimes.
Right to breathe - Statement by Promesa De La Rosa
Life in Asphyxiation Point is one filled with many amusing plays off our city's name. Choked, Gagged, strangled and many others. What happens when you are refused the rights of being a citizen here? Rights given to you for being an American citizen and pretty much as a human. Needed as much as taking a breath is needed to live. So when you lose the right to feel safe, protected, and to have justice, what do you do? That is the question that is posed to everyone. When are those that are suppose to uphold the law, truly above it? When do we say, they have no right to take away our safety? When does our God given right of due process become optional? This should never happen, so we call out to the good people of Asphyxiation Point, if you have ever had the police take away your rights, you need to speak up. Only we can fight against the crimes of our local law enforcements. File your complaints to the local courts, demand the rights you deserve, and don't let them continue to get away with taking our rights away.
Reported by S.D. Miller