The last few years have been amazing. We would like to thank the thousands of players who have passed through our SIM, contributed to the SIM's story-line & made it the vibrant place we have all been proud to call home at some point.
As you would have noticed, the admin team has not really been around the last few months. And we do not see the situation changing anytime soon. Unfortunately this means no build upgrades, poor support and a diminished Roleplay experience compared to what you have come to expect.
We had hoped to stay open by making some systematic changes to how the SIM is administered. We started by trying to push more of the RP leadership & administration burden to our business leads. When that failed, we tried to hire new admins to fill the void. Meanwhile, we hoped against hope that we did not need too many admins in the presence of strong Roleplay leaders.
Unfortunately, we have run out of time to pilot these changes. Dera is still caught up RL & Kuluk won't be able to log in for several months. It is thus with a heavy heart that we announce Asphyxiation Point will close its doors to the public starting April 15th 2018. We apologize for the short notice but we have a very narrow window of opportunity to wind down in an orderly fashion.
We do not know if we will resurrect AP or initiate a new effort when we do get back. AP was always supposed to be an experiment. One that brings together all types of characters from all walks of life - be they rich, poor, good, bad, beautiful or ugly. That experiment proved successful & made AP one of the best known SIMs in SL. However, that recipe has since been copied so many times, AP is no longer as unique as we would like it to be.
We would thus like to explore & RP on other SIMs before embarking on anything new. Please stay in the Asphyxiation Point group, (and befriend Kuluk & Dera) if you are interested in our future endeavors. We could use your help in figuring out what our next great adventure should be. Those of you who know us personally, know how much we hate being admins & everything it entails. So we probably won't start anything unless there is strong demand & a strong core team.
If you currently rent on SIM, the remainder of your rent will be refunded on April 15th. All groups except the "Asphyxiation Point Urban Roleplay" group will be disbanded. OOC communication is permitted in the Asphyxiation Point group effective immediately. Please use it as a resource to find your next home as it is populated by a lot of Roleplayers besides those you see on AP. If you wish to know what SIMs Dera & Kuluk plan to explore once back, please hit us up in IMs.
Once again, thank you all so very much. We will cherish this experience for a long time to come. Yes we might have disagreed at various points. Violently even. But the creativity, commitment, and sense of community you all showed us made it well worth it all. Especially those of you who stuck with us through both the good times & the bad.
Thank you all once again.
The players of
Deranean Sands
Charles Newton Kuluk (kuluk)